Saturday 27 March 2021

Stripy Shrug


Front and back views of my weird shrug. Basically a tube knitted from two different colour schemes of wool, each ball of which is fairly different in itself. I like it though. I might knit some more variants of this, it seems useful. Wool used is a Japanese hand dyed called Noro Kureyon. 


Leen said...

Thats the wool you told me about. Great colours and stripes!
Im less convinced about a 'shrug'. Havent come across it before.
See how useful it is ie better/different from a jumper??

Elinor Vickers said...

Its like a very small cardigan. Works well over dresses as you can see more of the dress but stay warm. Advantage for knitting is it uses about 1/3 as much wool so good if you are using an expensive wool.