Tuesday 31 March 2020

Spring Summer Wardrobe

This year I plan to mostly make things for my wardrobe. But I treated myself for my birthday as I got two John Lewis vouchers.
 I used them to get three stripy tops; one black/white, one blue/white and one multicoloured.
Stripy things always remind of being on the beach or by the sea and when I was a kid in the 70s and 80s when stripes were very much a thing.
I must admit I am stocking up on these a bit as not much shopping may be had for a bit.
I also ordered a load of fabric. So far I have made a black work skirt (probably not needed for a bit) and plan a green stretch comfy skirt and a pair of pyjama shorts patterned with cartoon owls.
Let’s all look forward to things being better in the summer and we can all be out and about maybe in stripy tshirts!

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