Monday, 18 February 2013


I love ponies. I always wanted a pony when I was a little girl (like all little girls do).

Now I make do with spotting ponies and getting a warm fuzzy feeling. Not literally, I don't think I should stop the car and get into the field for a cuddle.

These two Shetland ponies live in a field near my work. They always stand together like this. They are very fat and furry. Shetlands are the UK's smallest native pony (from the Shetland Islands, unsurprisingly) and are popular for small children, despite often being very bad tempered. Apparently a lady once called the RSPCA to report a 'horse sunk up to it's knees in mud'. It was a Shetland, not sunk in mud but sporting very tiny legs.


Sarah Rooftops said...

Ahhh, so cute!

Maria said...

I believe it would be entirely logical to stop and go give them a hug.